Ever feel like you're in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Ever feel like you're in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Recently, on a quiet Saturday morning at home my husband and I heard a loud commotion coming from the living room. The night before we had noticed a bird flutterring in the chimney, but now the bird was flapping around inside our house until it finally landed on the mantel.

We keep a charged camera nearby ready and aimed at our birdfeeders. So, it was natural for my husband to grab it and take a few shots. This shot, however, is one I got quickly with my phone. Later, when looking at it I realized how camouflaged this ring-necked dove was against the brick wall in our home. Then, I thought how instinctive it is to God's creatures, including us, to seek safety via hiding or camoflaguing.

There have been times in my experience, and I'm sure in yours, as well, that you felt it best to simply stay still, quiet, and out of the commotion going on around. My thought goes to this wonderful verse from the Christian Science hymnal:

"In heavenly Love abiding, No change my heart shall fear; And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here. The storm may roar without me, My heart may low be laid; But God is round about me, And can I be dismayed?" (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 148).

Staying out of the storm or commotion around us isn't about hiding out and hoping for the best. Often, it's about strengethening our spiriual sense, restoring our "soul" -- so to speak. It's a time to get mentally quiet and let God lead. It's a time to hear His voice. It's a time to obey His leading.


Through genuinely praying, "Lead me, guide me, help me to hear and know. Show me." Our petitionary prayer may take many different forms, but all petitionary prayer is a prayer of acknowledging God's control over the situation. We, like the dove in the picture, can rest right there until we know what to do next.

The dove? Well, she flew on a dining room chair where I gently caught her with a towel. As I walked her outside she showed no fear. When I opened the towel to release her she stared at me a bit, as if to say 'thank you', then flew away.

Our escape from danger can be just as successful, just as peaceful, just as leading. Let's trust God to hide us in times of tumult and camouflage us appropriately, while we listen for His direction.


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