The Science

When the term “Christian Science” is mentioned, the first question often asked is, “Is that Scientology?” The answer? “No, they are not even related.”

The second question is: “What does science have to do with Christianity?” The answer? “Everything!"

In general, science is defined as a systemized knowledge of something, like mathematics, physics, etc. It's something that can be demonstrated, proven. It's based on laws that are observed, implemented, and have an expected result.

Christianity on the other hand is the practice of Christ Jesus' teachings. But, what many don’t realize is that Jesus practiced God’s laws! Applying these laws, he proved that they, too, are systematic. In short, they are scientific, – Christianly scientific.

Mrs. Eddy joined these two words together, Science, the law Jesus practiced. For example, the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), outlines the laws of God. Practicing these laws, makes Christianity scientific, in the sense that they are applicable to our everyday lives, and they bring healing results. This proves that the teachings and methods of Christ Jesus are not only practical and demonstrable, but that they are provable today, as well, because a science always remains a science.

Healing, as some believe, did not end with the death of the last apostle, but has been carried down through the centuries. So, today, Christian Scientists negate dispensationalism or cessationism through their present-day healing activity.

Christian Science is biblically based. It's very foundation is the teaching of Christ Jesus. It was established to reinstate primitive Christianity “and it’s lost element of healing” (Church Manual,17). Primitive Christianity hasn't wained over the centuries, as proven by the healings his apostles and the Patristic fathers effected, as well as by healing occurring today.