Healing in Christian Science…
…is divinely natural, but it is also the effect of uplifting thought to a higher understanding of our relationship with God. As we lift thought to understand God better, as good, all-powerful, ever-present, we begin to perceive that His love for us, His creation, is eternal. There’s never been a time when we’ve been without God’s love and His power. This is such a comforting thought, that it removes any fear we may be harboring, and replaces it with a wonderful sense of God’s all-loving nature.
For me, when I’m most quietly in communion with God, praying, and perceiving His love and power, I feel Him here and now. This wipes away the fear, and I’m able to spiritually understand God’s all-pervading care for us all. When I wipe out of thought the “weeds,” – the fear, anger, hatred, or concern, through praying to see God as trustful, loving, and caring, these “weeds” dissolve and are replaced with what is real and true, – God’s all-power and presence. In His presence, only good exists.
I knew this one day after I had fallen and broken an ankle. I couldn’t walk, but I did manage to hobble to the car and get home. Once there, I climbed into bed and turned to my Bible and to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. These two books together have instructed me my whole life, and have taught me who God is, where He is, why He is. This time, I learned that in God’s care nothing could possibly touch me, His creation, but good. I knew God didn’t make me fall, just like He doesn’t make us sick or sinful. He makes us pure, innocent, healthy, and well. This opened my thought to the realization that His presence and power pervades my being, my very spirit and soul, and is the only real presence and power in His kingdom.
This is true for all of us – we’re all, right now in the presence of God, good. And whatever is trying to say something different isn’t true, it’s a lie about how God made us, and we don’t have to believe it as being true or real. Healing in Christian Science is divinely natural! It is the fulfillment of God’s law. It is the enforcement of God’s law. And it is seen and felt everyday in the lives of those who turn to Him and know Him as good, as perfect, as loving, as powerful.
This method of praying dissolves fear and allows what is real and true about you, as God’s beloved child, to come forth. Since treatment is a form of prayer it is effective no matter where the patient may reside. My practice includes those who call for specific treatment and those who simply have questions. I’m always happy to consult with you.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering… my ankle was completely healed!