Lord's Prayer in Romanian

Lord's Prayer in Romanian

The Lord's Prayer in Romanian!


 Tatal nostru care esti in ceruri, (Our Father which art in heaven) 

Sfinteasca-se numele Tau (Hallowed by thy name) 

Vie imparatia Ta, faca-se voia ta, (Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,) 

Precum in cer asa si pe pamant. (As in heaven, so on earth) 

Pain ea noastra cea de toate zilele, Da-ne-o noua astazi (Give us this day our daily bread) 

Si ne iarta noua gre~elile noastre (and forgive us our mistakes/debts) 

Precum si noi iertam gresitilor nostri (as we forgive others mistakes/debts) 

Si nu ne duce pe noi in ispita ci ne izbaveste de cel rau. (and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil) 

Ca a Ta este imparatia si puterea. si slava, (That thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory .... ) 

Acum si pururea si in vecii vecilor, (Now and forever and ever) 



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