The news and learning to heal quickly and wholly

The news and learning to heal quickly and wholly

The numerous cases Jesus healed by simply walking down the street we will never know.  We know only of the woman who said within herself,  “If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” And so doing caught his attention and he “…turned about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

She mentally and physically reached out and was healed.

Do we doubt that, in the presence of the Master, healings took place of which those healed did not make public or were not written down? Mrs. Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, healed many as she made eye contact with them during her carriage ride or in stores while shopping. St. John notes, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”

Tomlinson, a biographer of Mrs. Eddy,  records that one day a patient came to visit him who was very ill.  It was a few moments before Mrs. Eddy would be passing his office in her daily carriage ride.  He suggested that he and his patient wait a few moments prior to going into his office and administering treatment.  They did.  Mrs. Eddy smiled at the patient and greeted her as she passed by.  Mr. Tomlinson then invited the patient into his office, but she replied, “I don’t need a treatment.  I am well.”  Tomlinson noted, “This is the way I lose my patients!”

Our Master teaches us, “…as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.”

Let us keep a sweet sense about us that if we find the need to reach out for treatment the very act of the mental reaching, and then the physical reaching, is being met in divine Mind then and there. And, let’s us keep a calm sense that anyone reaching out to us for treatment in their very act of a mental call or a physical one is being detected by us and answered with the healing Truth, then and there – even if the phone, text, or email is not answered right away!  As we believe, understandingly, so let it be done unto us.

Jesus said to our dear doubting Thomas, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

 We must learn to believe, to understand, without having seen physically.  Why?  Because this is true spiritual sense that perceives a need and meets it.  It recognizes that all is in Mind, God, and there is no outside to Mind, God.  It acknowledges God is at work on our behalf, He’s on our side, and we have only to join with Him to win.

Just as we expect to feel and see the power of God in the flesh in the case of the flu, or food poisoning, or a cold, so should we expect to feel and see God in the flesh in the case of say cancer, or a broken limb, or heredity problems, or a pandemic, or mal-functioning organs.  The promise is, “In my flesh shall I see God.”

The healing dispensation is ever present.  It ‘casts out evils, heals the sick, and raises the dead, -- even resurrecting individuals buried above-ground in material sense!’

Mrs. Eddy gives us her standard.  She writes: “I recommend that each member of this Church shall strive to demonstrate by his or her practice, that Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly, thus proving this Science to be all that we claim for it.”

Let’s expect full and efficient healing of whatever the belief appears to be, -- whether a pneumonia or hypophonia, a cold or a common scold, an upset stomach or an inflamed gullet, sore muscles or popped bubbles.  Truth is Truth, and the coming of Christ, Truth, to the flesh is so divinely natural that, according to our Leader, only undestroyed fear can seemingly hold off a healing.  She writes, “Destroy fear, and you end fever.”

  And in the absolute she writes, “Fear never stopped being and its action.”

 So, we learn to destroy fear.

What about healing ourselves?

Again, Tomlinson records Mrs. Eddy:  “Should the thought come to you that you cannot help yourself, then know that you have your reply in the Scriptures, that even as Jesus said, ‘I can of mine own self do nothing,’ but ‘the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.’ Since God is omnipotence, there is no power or person that can hinder His healing work.”

Man, God's creation, is the law of God.  Through reflection man emanates Mind.  All action is God manifesting Himself as man.  Man is the emanation of Principle, law.  As God’s law, manifested, man imparts Truth, health, and happiness because man's consciousness reflects the one Mind.  Through reflection, as God's man, we are able to heal.  All power is our power.  All knowledge is our knowledge.  All strength is our strength.  All authority is our authority.  All Science is our Science. All law is our law! All is man's, as God's reflection, through divine law.

All that we do, as man, we do through reflection. 

Christian Science is always in operation.  Man is the operation of Science, of law, of Principle.  This inseparability of man from his Maker, his Father-Mother God, enables one to heal and to be healed because all that is wrong is also under divine law and so the adjustment takes place divinely naturally, often without our even knowing about it!

The healing work is God’s work.  Truth, being all-pervasive, is true for all mankind.  It is always acting through its reflection, man. 

Mrs. Eddy writes, “Speak the truth to every form of error.”

 Now, whether that is verbally or mentally it doesn’t matter, -- do what is best under the circumstances, but speak it!

Speak aloud to error!

Speak loudly to error!

Separate it from yourself.

See it as unreal.

Whatever is wrong in thought Christ, Truth will correct. 

Thought filled with the knowledge of God’s is thought that is ready to take on the news. Fill thought first with what is real, then, if interested, take a look at the news, then take it back up and complete your gathering of news with what is true and real.  This is how we treat what passes before our eyes.  


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