Tangled lines...

Tangled lines...

Sometimes it feels like our lives are a bit like these electrical lines, -- all tangled up. It could be poor communication with others, a load of responsibilities on our back, or just a series of small things that have built up into one big thing. Whatever the apparent cause of the "tangled lines" in our life we are capable of untangling them and freeing ourselves.  

Christian Science is the resource many turn to when things are skewed. 

Why? Because it teaches God's great care for each one of us and His law of love, that embraces everyone. This divine care is seen in chaos turned to order, hatred turned to love, neglect turned to responsibility. First, though, these changes take place in our thought as we learn to yield through scientific prayer to God's divine, and always good, will. 

How? We can begin by simply praying, "Thy will be done," if we understand that God's will is only good.  His will doesn't include good and evil, highs and lows, ups and downs, life and death. Not at all. His will includes only what He knows, - and that's His own goodness, perfection and love. So, when we pray "Thy will be done" we're really mentally yielding to God's good for us, we're accepting it, and looking for it.  But, most important, we are yielding to it and this yielding brings healing and renewal. 

Mrs. Eddy, the Leader of Christian Science, writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental, not physical. It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body. It shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought. In divine Science, the universe, including man, is spiritual, harmonious, and eternal" (SH 114:23–29). 

Soul, another name for God that stresses His harmonious and health-giving nature, is seen and felt as we yield fear to trust in Him, anxiety to confidence in Soul's power to remove all that is disturbing. Our relationship to God is pure and clear, never cluttered, tangled, or ambiguous.  It is open and it enables us to release, through scientific right thought, any sense of imprisonment of thought. As we learn more of this divine relationship with God, of our oneness with Him, we find whatever seems blocked, or ambiguous, or confusing, or tangled, completely dissolved. We find freedom, bliss, joy. 

And why not since freedom given to all by God is our divine right?


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Dissolving the mist...

Dissolving the mist...

The only power of enforcement

The only power of enforcement