A Community of Believers

A Community of Believers

A group of people who practice Christianity in the same way is a community of believers, -- a community of those who are like-minded. Just like a tennis club is a community of those who like to play tennis, this community is composed of those who like to learn more about God and worship Him in the same way.

Yet, going to church and joining a tennis club isn't the same. For one thing, people are daily joining clubs all over the world -- while at the same time they are leaving church.  Worldwide churches have been declining. So much so, that many say today we are in a post-Christian era.

Recently, though, I've been noticing that there are a lot of people looking for better relationships, better health, better jobs, better everything.  They are searching for something supportive, encouraging, and uplifting.  There's no better place on earth to gain a spiritual foundation that is supportive and encouraging than church. Why? Because that's where we find a better understanding of God, and where we find others willing to help us turn to God for healing.

True church is not made up of politics, disagreements, self-will, animosity or any other evil element of thought. True church is composed of love, kindness, forgiveness, encouragement, understanding, and genuine help for each other. It is based on God as divine Love, divine Principle. It uplifts the individual and society.  True church heals by helping us move from fear to spiritual understanding, from anxiety to trust in God, from hatred to divine Love.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, defines church as "The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle (Science and Health, 583:12)."  Isn't that a supportive understanding of what our true church is -- "the structure of Truth and Love"?

First, this structure is within our own thought, it's the way we live our lives, then we naturally take it with us on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Showing up to church with the spiritual structure of Truth and Love in thought helps us to prove the teachings of Christ Jesus by healing as he healed. This brings church and healing together, -- it proves their inseparability.

Many like to say that church for them is at home, in the comfort of their living room or kitchen, listening to it online or watching it on TV. But, without the actual interaction of the community of believers who support each other and heal each other, church just remains a private event, -- when it was meant to be a very public offering.  By attending church in our communities we are offering to others what we have one-on-one -- the healing Christ, the power of God's Word. Only in this way can we truly bless society, move from hatred to love, leave off matter and find Spirit, God, and demonstrate the healing truths of the Bible.

The end of the above definition of "Church" is: "The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick."

Let's decide to join this church each moment, each hour, each day, and every Sunday and Wednesday when the physical doors of our church are open and waiting for us... we'll then find not only love and support, but true healing.


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How do we know what is really "true"?

How do we know what is really "true"?